New Copyright Act Becomes Law… In Part


In June, the Copyright Modernization Act was passed by Parliament. However, it did not have the force of law yet (See: Copyright Bill Becomes Law). Today, portions of the new copyright law came into force (See: this link). This phased approach is somewhat confusing. The provisions relating to format-shifting, time-shifting, satire, parody – essentially all the provisions directed at education and consumers – are in force.

Those sections dealing with ISPs and the notice-and-notice procedures (subsection 47 [41.25, 41.26, and 41.27(3)]), will be determined through a separate order-in-council process once the regulations are finalized. The provisions which implement certain WIPO treaties (World Intellectual Property Organization Copyright Treaty (WCT) and the World Intellectual Property Organization Performances and Phonograms Treaty (WPPT) are held back, and will come into effect when the treaties are ratified.

I will be speaking tomorrow to the Canadian Bar Association, Technology & IP Subsection, on the subject of copyright updates, and will be reviewing these provisions.

Calgary – 21:00 MST

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