Altering Photographs & Copyright Violations


In a recent US decision (Murphy v. Millenium Radio, 2011 WL 2315128 (June 14, 2011)), the Third Circuit Court of Appeals decided that removing the name of a photographer from a photo constitutes a violation of the DMCA. In this case, a photographer took pictures of two local radio personalities for publication in a magazine. The photo was later scanned and uploaded by the radio station, but in the scanning process, the photographer’s name was cropped out, without the artist’s authorization. The court found that this breached § 1202 of the DMCA which deals with “Integrity of copyright management information”.

In Canada, this would be covered by Section 14.1 of the Copyright Act, which addresses “moral rights”. Under this heading, an author or creator of a work has the right to be associated with the work as its author by name, or under a pseudonym, or the right to remain anonymous. Tampering with the right of a photographer to be associated with the work would infringe moral rights in Canada.

Calgary – 07:00 MDT

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