Canadian P2P Copyright Battle Continues

IsoHunt, a British Columbia-based service that indexes BitTorrents for peer-to-peer file sharing, attempted a pre-emptive strike against the Canadian Recording Industry Association (see our previous post), by asking the Court to declare that its activities were legal under Canadian copyright law.  Isohunt lost that bid in March, when a BC Court decided that the issues were too complex to be dealt with summarily, and that a full trial would be required. 

IsoHunt appealed that decision, and in late July, the BC Court of Appeal dismissed isoHunt’s appeal.  This means that the matter is unresolved, and will go ahead to a full trial – something that favours the recording industry, since the issues will be more complex and legal costs will escalate.  The stakes are high for both sides, and the resulting decision (if it does go through to trial) could be a landmark case for Canadian copyright law.

Related reading: isoHunt’s original petition (PDF courtesy of Torrent Freak).

Calgary – 09:45 MST

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